
The benefits of dynamic compression therapy have been documented in humans for decades. The benefits of the EQ Press have now been proven in horses.

Our Scientific Evidence

Koch DW, Schnabel LV, Reynolds J, Berry CR. Pneumatic compression therapy using the EQ Press accelerates lymphatic flow in healthy equine forelimbs as determined by lymphoscintigraphy. Am J Vet Res. 2023 Feb 21;84(4):ajvr.22.12.0214. doi: 10.2460/ajvr.22.12.0214. PMID: 36800296.

Vetletics are animal lovers, but we are also scientists and engineers. Evidence based solutions are at the core of what we do. 

Dynamic compression therapy has been studied in humans for decades and a sample of this research is available here.

We are excited to have been part of one of the first dynamic compression therapy studies in horses. This study, performed at NC State University Veterinary School of Medicine and published in the American Journal of Veterinary Research in April 2023, showed that the use of the EQ Press significantly increased lymphatic flow in healthy equine forelimbs.

This press release from NC State gives some great insight as to the importance of this study. The study has also been featured in The HorsePaulick ReportEquine Science UpdateVet Practice MagazineThe Hoof BlogDVM360, and among many others.

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